Submerged Arc Welding Process is a type of electric arc welding process. Welding takes place by heating the arc between the bare wire and the workpiece metal. The welding wire is continuously fed by the wire feeder before welding starts and while welding is filled with granular flux powder. From the tank, the flux flowed down to cover the arc area. And flows down continuously as the welding wire moves to the end of the flux line, when heated by the arc it will melt and become slag covering some of the flux powder weld above the weld line. not heated, will not melt can be reused
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The arc welding under the flux is under the flux. Therefore, the light caused by the arc welding smoke is not visible, it is very little. No metal splashes Suitable for welding that requires high current, thick workpieces. Consistently complete welds with high efficiency Weld metal water penetrates very well, but welding under flux equipment is expensive. Most of them can be welded in a flat position. Welding is both automatic and semi-automatic. But generally used for automatic welding.
In a wire feeding system there must be both a wire feeding controller. and the wire feeding mechanism to the arc area The wire feeding mechanism has two control systems:
- Motion sensitive system (Voltage-sensitive systems)
- Constant-speed systems, notching or making traces. This helps to control the penetration and the amount of wire added to the weld for deep penetration butt joints.
In a wire feeding system there must be both a wire feeding controller. and the wire feeding mechanism to the arc area The wire feeding mechanism has two control systems:
- Motion sensitive system (Voltage-sensitive systems)
- Constant-speed systems, notching or making traces. This helps to control the penetration and the amount of wire added to the weld for deep penetration butt joints.
Metals suitable for welding under flux Flux welding are used to weld plain carbon steel. Carbon steels suitable for welding contain carbon not more than 0.30, phosphorus not more than 0.05%, and sulfur not more than 0.05%, for medium and alloy steels. low, it can weld well. Even if pre-heat Post heat using a special type of welding wire and flux – Welding current too high or too low – Voltage too high or too low – Improper seam gap – Use of improperly sized welding wire. – welding speed is too high or too low
.Maintenance of electrical systems High welding speed and wire filling rate Suitable for round welding Flat sheet work and surface welding work This welding process is not suitable for work thinner than 3/16 inches because it will penetrate. Suitable for welding work in flat positions. Or inclined work at an angle with the floor level not more than 15 degrees. Elements in the welding under the flux.